Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This is crazy but here's my address, write me maybe?

Something that I have been asked about a thousand times is how can you keep in contact with me while I am off saving the world.
Well if you don't know smoke symbols here are a few simple ways to keep in contact.

First off you can follow this blog which I will be updating. I will warn you this blog is going to be my honest experience. I will be sharing the nitty gritty details about living in Ethiopia. If you can't handle the truth and possible TMI situations then you should probably just email me. I will update the blog as often as I can. So add it to your favorites and check it often. I will be updating Facebook but not nearly as often as this.

Skype: Andrea.louise.spake
I will have access to Internet if not everyday every once in awhile. Add me and if I am on I would love to talk :)

Email: aspake09@gmail.com
I will reply to all the emails that are sent to me.

Andrea Spake
U.S. Peace Corps Ethiopia
P.O. Box 7788
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

This will be my address for the first three months of my service. After I am moved to my site I wi have a new address. Any mail that is sent to this address after that time will eventually make it to me. I love getting mail and will respond to any I get. Just a heads up it may take up to a month for me to get something you send. 

I would looove you share my adventures with you and hear about what is happening back in the States.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I came across it searching for the peace corps in Ethiopia. I am from Mek'ele and now in the United States. I remember having peace corps volunteers near me as a child and wanted to show my children what volunteers do in their home land.

    I would like to point out that ferenji does not necessarily mean foreigner, rather it means white person. It is difficult to explain in english for some of the terms do not translate over well. While explaining it to a colleague before this site did well

