Monday, December 22, 2014

Royal Blue Passport Privilege.

When I travel situations always arise that remind me the power in a royal blue American passport.
Not all passports are treated equally.
Its quite the opposite really.
While others undergo third degree questioning,
 in a language far from their mother tongue,
in accents so thick I can barely identify it as English,
my passport doesn't even warrant a second look.
What makes me different from the woman being repeatedly asked why she wants to enter the country?
The fact that I was born in the right place at the right time?
The fact that my passport is royal blue with that golden United States of America imprint?
Why does that provide me with automatic respect and a guarantee of a visa in most countries?
I bow down to those in developing countries who have worked incredibly hard to obtain that passport.
My dream of travel is not a unique dream.
It is however a dream that I can fulfill with little difficulty due to my nationality.
Most of the world will never get a chance to travel to their countries capitol city let alone another country.
I feel that often times we get wrapped up in our American Royal Blue Passport Privilege and forget how fortunate we are to be able to travel pretty freely.