Saturday, December 21, 2013

Can you hear me now? Good.

Last week while in Austria I attempted to listen in on a Peace Corps call with staff members in Ethiopia.
Saying it was difficult to hear is an understatement.
During the call I was messaging one of the other volunteers.
I will now transcribe our notes from what we believed to be happening during the call.

  1. This is the hardest job we will ever love.
  2. Throwing yourself in is the hardest part.
  3. It costs a lot of money for us to go.
  4. Lots of loud noises
  5. Possibly something about North Korea...
  6. Few people leave early, a lot stay longer
  7. Someone named Greg spoke.
  8. Is this call in English?
  9. Some list of numbers.
  10. Echos
  11. The list might of been the jobs..
  12. The list might also be the things that will kills us.
  13. Something about inappropriate touching
  14. Are we being inappropriately touched? Or are we doing the touching?
  15. Still confused about the inappropriate touching....
  16. Bring cameras and laptops
  17. If you don't bring a camera your a fucking idiot.
  18. Customs will take that shit if you try to mail it.
  19. Binoculars for bird watching are suggested
  20. I hate birds
  21. Thanks ornithology
  22. Cash is good
  23. Being Johnny Cash is better
  24. Rehab/ Withdraws in Ethiopia would suck
  25. That might have not had anything to do with the call....
  26. But is related because of Johnny Cash
  27. Can't understand more loud noises....
  28. Something about malaria and having a good time
  29. Not sure if they are connected
  30. Hopefully they are not connected
  31. We get to ride a bus through Ethiopia with all our shit
  32. That is going to be an experience in its own.
  33. After PST they will take our shit for us to our final site.
Now this might seem like a decent list of notes. Mind you the call was an hour long.
Also I understood one out of every 15 our so words.
A good amount of this list is most likely incorrect.
I hope they didn't list off things that will kill us.
I am taking this as a welcome to not understanding anything for the next two years.

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