Saturday, March 22, 2014

Heres the mail it never fails it makes me want to wag my tail.

So I have gotten many questions about care packages and what I would like sent to me.
I would like to start this off by saying I am beyond grateful for anything that is send my way. Letters, packages, love, positive thoughts they are all appreciated.
As far as packages go please include a list of what you put in it. When filling out a customs form being general is not a bad thing. Also dont say that the package is worth a lot of money because it will get searched.

Things that would be great to get:
-cheese...if possible
-mexican food of every kind
-spices (spice packages like ranch are also great)
-toms (size 11...ethiopia eats shoes)
-dried fruit
-veggies of anykind that can be send (freeze dried ect)( cough kale chips cough)
-protein powder
- lotions/soaps/shampoo/conditioner that smell good (for my weekly shower... and yes i mean i shower once a week these days)
-soccer balls
-chocolate chips
-Gatorade powder (dehydration happens. daily)
-mixed nuts
-mustard/bbq sauce things of that nature
-new music/ movies on flash drives
-holiday boxes that are themed are always fun

Please please please do not send the following. I can get them in country:
-toilet paper
-dish soap
-peanut butter

If you happen to send me anything even if it is a letter that just says hello I will be responding with a letter. Sending mail is not super expensive here but it will take a while to get to you. I will not have a post office in my town but it will only be 20 minutes away so I can easily receive and send things .

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